Table of Contents
October 20, 2020 – Issue 1
Fostering a concept: Why cell identity matters
Mihail Eugen Hinescu
Journal of Cell Identity 2020 | Issue 1: 5–13, originally published October 20, 2020
DOI : 10.47570/joci.2020.001
The concept of identity: from philosophy to cell biology and back
Mircea Leabu, Kei Sasaki
Journal of Cell Identity 2020 | Issue 1: 17–29, originally published October 20, 2020
DOI : 10.47570/joci.2020.002
Snapshot – changing melanocyte identity in melanoma developing route
Monica Neagu, Carolina Constantin, Ayse Basak Engin, Iulia Popescu
Journal of Cell Identity 2020 | Issue 1: 33–47, originally published October 20, 2020
DOI : 10.47570/joci.2020.003
The transcription factor NRF2 shapes the identity of radio-resistant tumor cells
Gina Manda, Antonio Cuadrado
Journal of Cell Identity 2020 | Issue 1: 49–81, originally published October 20, 2020
DOI: 10.47570/joci.2020.004
Single cell genomics for cellular phenotyping: applications in brain disorders
Aurora Arghir, Sorina Mihaela Papuc, Kenneth Kosik, Magdalena Budișteanu
Journal of Cell Identity 2020 | Issue 1: 83–90, originally published October 20, 2020
DOI: 10.47570/joci.2020.005
Cytological responses involved in neurovascular remodeling after cerebral ischemia in the aged rat brain
Aurel Popa-Wagner, Ana-Maria Zagrean, Dirk M. Hermann
Journal of Cell Identity 2020 | Issue 1: 91–101, originally published October 20, 2020
DOI: 10.47570/joci.2020.006